
User, Tips and Channel Analytics dashboard, developed for Farcaster by GikkiLab

  • Total Cast

  • Followers and Growth Chart

  • Reactions Chart

  • Tip Allowances

  • Tip Points

  • Recent Tips

    • > Degen
    • > Farther
    • > Ham
    • > Hunt
    • > Masks
    • > Fomo
  • Total Tip Values

  • Follower Circle (fam)

  • Popular Followers

  • Unfollowers

  • Recent Casts

  • Popular Casts

  • Cast Analysis

  • Reply Filtering

  • Raffle from Cast Replies

  • Export Data

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What GikkiStats Users Says -

  • Testing af
  • his analysis page is so stellar, even aliens want a subscription!
    Elor Musk
  • The data shines brighter than a disco ball in my kitchen!
    Oprey Windfry
  • This page has more logic than my last haircut!
    Justen Bibber
  • Even with this chaos, results dance like unicorns!
    Albert Insane
  • Data here grooves like it’s in a 70s disco party!